Wednesday 5 October 2016

Gaining Muscles !

Gaining Muscles !

To gain muscle mass you must apply the Overload Principle. If you don't give your body a reason to grow, then it won't. Building muscle takes a lot of energy, so if the muscle isn't needed, it doesn't get built. If you lift the same weight for the same reps on the same exercise as you did the previous week, why should your body increase its muscle mass?
Obviously, it shouldn't and doesn't. So the key of muscle mass gain is to push yourself beyond where you've been before.
If you lift progressively heavier loads from week to week, you should make gains in muscle mass. The last rep of a set must be the last you can do. If you can do more than 8 reps (15 for legs) add more weight. The next time you will do one same exercise you must do one more rep.

-> Training For Muscle Growth:
  • 2-3 exercises per body part
  • 3-4 sets per exercise (excluding warm-up)
  • 6-8 repetitions per set
  • The best muscle building exercises: bench pressesstanding barbell pressessquatsdeadliftsrows, and chin-ups.

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